Tips For Creating the Ultimate Blog
Every page on your website needs to have a distinct purpose with the goal of attracting, keeping, and ultimately converting customers. Each page has a set of elements that moves visitors along, flowing toward an action (subscribe, contact, share or purchase, for example). This flow gently guides users through a series of steps—awareness, interest, trust, and finally action; in other words, the conversion funnel. For many visitors, the first place they interact with your website is your blog.
“Website visitors are looking for information.”
Website visitors are looking for information. It is likely they ended up on your website via a search page referral or from another website/social media referral. Hopefully this is a result of your content marketing strategy doing its work.
No matter how people landed on your website, it’s vital to show how phenomenal your brand is while quickly attracting your visitor to stay. It takes about 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they like your site or not, and whether they’ll stay or leave.
Designed to Attract
The best way to avoid snap judgements of your website is to improve its design. The first page a visitor lands on your website should capture their attention. In fact, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. While significant time and effort is dedicated to blog content, blog design is the vehicle in which your content will thrive or die.
Website first impressions are 94% design-related. Things like boring design; bad use of color; excessive pop-up advertisements; inadequate introductory content; small print; too much text; a corporate look and feel; and an ineffective search feature will all make your visitors go elsewhere.
To find out how to design a blog that attracts and converts, read the full story at Velocitize where it was originally published.